Welcome To My Twisted Mind - Images
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Welcome To My Twisted Mind
Someone made an album

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
My Twisted Mind
![Welcome to my Twisted Mind Syotu wannaDDe oy oveou. "Where there is love, there is life" -Gotta Be A Dog Owner -Gotta Be Good With Kids -Ghandi "[Your love is] silky smooth" -Yates McConnell . -Gotta Be Able to Dance -Gotta Be Smart -Gotta Be In Love With The Outdoors I'm stacked A couple of deal (or no deal) breakers Doesn't like animals Rude to my parents (and other elders) Smokes Micromanaging Doesn't stand up for herself 23 DEALINO DEAL I enjoy learning about the world My Dream Date Well, first, obviously we'd build a fort out of mattresses and pillows. Then we would raid a fridge and carry as much as we possibly could back to our fort along with a computer, upon which, we would watch V for Vendetta or House of Cards. Either way afterwards we would end our date with a long discussion about the meaning of life and the political state of our nation. Then, naturally, we would watch old Star Trek episodes until we fall asleep in each other's blissful company](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/289/612/d5f.png)
![Welcome to my Twisted Mind Syotu wannaDDe oy oveou. "Where there is love, there is life" -Gotta Be A Dog Owner -Gotta Be Good With Kids -Ghandi "[Your love is] silky smooth" -Yates McConnell . -Gotta Be Able to Dance -Gotta Be Smart -Gotta Be In Love With The Outdoors I'm stacked A couple of deal (or no deal) breakers Doesn't like animals Rude to my parents (and other elders) Smokes Micromanaging Doesn't stand up for herself 23 DEALINO DEAL I enjoy learning about the world My Dream Date Well, first, obviously we'd build a fort out of mattresses and pillows. Then we would raid a fridge and carry as much as we possibly could back to our fort along with a computer, upon which, we would watch V for Vendetta or House of Cards. Either way afterwards we would end our date with a long discussion about the meaning of life and the political state of our nation. Then, naturally, we would watch old Star Trek episodes until we fall asleep in each other's blissful company](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/289/612/d5f.png)
Welcome To My Twisted Mind
My Twisted Mind Earnest

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
Ice Cream Man

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
Emo Kid

Welcome To My Twisted Mind

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
Killing Stalking

Welcome To My Twisted Mind

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
twisted bra strap

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
Urban Dictionary

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
Welcome to My Twisted Mind Example

Welcome To My Twisted Mind
Welcome to my twisted mind

Welcome To My Twisted Mind