#WithFewExceptions - Images
this is fine,

There have never been Russian agents in the WhiteHouse #withfewexceptions

We follow the law #withfewexceptions

No public official has ever documented his own paranoid delusional breakdown on social media. #withfewexceptions #like #retweet #trump

Bill Clinton was completely faithful to Hillary #withfewexceptions.

Christian Conservatives would never vote for a Godless, thieving, corrupt, misogynistic, sexist, bigot to lead them, #withfewexceptions.

Donald Trump has never broken a promise #WithFewExceptions

Titanic was unsinkable, #withfewexceptions.

@PressSec #spicer doesn't hide in the bushes #withfewexceptions

I have never hidden in bushes. Period #withfewexceptions

Betsy DeVos is beloved by students everywhere #withfewexceptions

BREAKING: Trump lawyer: Tax returns from past 10 years show no "income of any type from Russian sources," with few exceptions.

“The lawyers did not release copies of Trump's tax returns so The Associated Press cannot independently verify their conclusions.”
