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While it's completely true to say fuck all of the above mentioned, Dusclops was somewhat likable because of his overly zealous personality. Also his character gets fleshed out far more in the bonus episode in Explores of the Sky, and by the end of it has a rather redeeming moment.

Darkrai had the potential to be a good villain, and they even alluded to him throughout the game, but his presence felt too insignificant and shoehorned to matter. Plus he got the most BS 'punishment' for almost any villain ever. At first it sounded like it would be super brutal cause they made it sound like he would be erased from existence, but instead they simply made it "oh i guess he reappeared somewhere, but he probably has amnesia so lets let him live a happy ever after".

However i can definitely say FUCK EVERYTHING ABOUT TEAM SKULL. They were a bunch of weak, overconfident prick who got special treatment all game because Chatot was too stupid to see how evil they were. They were designed to be as unlikable as possible which is fine, but they DO NOT get even remotely get the karmic punishment they deserve. They just get beat up a little and disapear from the rest of the game. They don't get humiliated, they don't learn the error of their ways, they don't even get punished/rehabilitated like any other bad pokemon that gets captured by Magnazone. FUCK THEM

Lastly fuck Chatot


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