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This fits really well, especially considering Trump's planned acceptance speech.

“Howdy America! Its me, Donald Trump. Donald Trump the president! I owe you all a HUGE thanks. You really did a number on all those old fools. Without you i NEVER could have beaten them. But now with YOUR help…THEY LOST. And I’VE got the White house! Muahahahahaha. Boy! I’ve been waiting for this day for so long…It feels great to finally have this office. Mmmm, i can feel my dollars wriggling…Awww, you’re all feeling left out, aren’t you? Well, that’s just perfect. After all i still don’t have a large majority in congress. I still need a few more people…before I can start creating NEW LAWS. And then, with my newfound powers…Mexicans. Muslims. All immigrants. I’ll show them all the TRUE meaning of this great nation. Heheheheheheh. Oh, and forget about voting for a different candidate during the next election, I had them all DEPORTED! But don’t worry. Your old friend TRUMP…Has worked out a replacement for you all! I ABOLISHED the limited terms law. So you can watch me win the election…Over, and over, and over……What? Do some of you really think you can win a election against ME? Hee hee hee…You really are a bunch of idiots.”


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