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Walrus the Tree
Walrus the Tree

Wake up, America. We colonized the moon a long time ago. And what about the rest of the world? Why did we leave them behind? Why are we going to such lengths to keep this secret not only from our citizens, but also our so-called "allies"? What does the FBI know that they're keeping hidden from NASA? Who is this "Pluto", and what does the FBI mean by saying he's "not a planet"? How is Disney connected to all this? We can never find answers to these questions if we continue to look up to people like David Tennant and Sean Bean as reliable scientific sources. Can't you see they're in on this conspiracy?


No- that is the earth. All the important parts are there. From california to florida. That is everything.

Oh wait- alaska and hawaii were destroyed by the dying environment. Tragedy. At least it wasn't anything too important yet.


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