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Ghostbusters - The complete compendium of salt generated by James Rolfe

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God… Just saw his video too, and this is just fucking hilarious.

He's clearly just giving his thoughts on a franchise many of his fans know he enjoys. He doesn't even mention the female cast other than saying the fact that they're just calling it "Ghostbusters" has left people calling it "the female one" which is something he didn't want. You know, he wants people to see it based on the shitty writing and effects, not the all-female cast.

I also love how these people act as if what he's said is some small, insignificant minority on the internet. As if someone saying "Wow, this looks bad" is some new concept ever since the first trailer came out. Christ, these people are desperate.

At the very least, I'm glad the video isn't spammed to death with these people, showing that they themselves are the small minority in this and shouldn't even be a blip on his radar.


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