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Crossover - Since it has a lot of things from both worlds, had to put them in this page.

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Scout-Tracer Domination:
"Dominated, ya time warpin' disgrace to the Brits!"
"Americans always beat the British, look it up!"
"Ha hey, can't rewind back that kill, can ya?!"
"Cheers luv, you just got blasted!"
"I just dumped some tea into yer grave!"
"Gotta blink to go fast? I can outrun ya without any fancy shmancy tools!"
Soldier-S76 Domination:
"Ah, real men do not need to use an aimbot to kill!"
"Your rockets do not hurt, but mine will!"
"You hate robots? Too bad, cause I will shove this robot boot up your ass!"
"You are dishonorably discharged."
"I'm gonna kick your ass so hard you'll be sent back to where ever you came from!"
"We're all soldiers now… And you aren't!"

Imperial Nose Lord
Imperial Nose Lord

in reply to SuperMafia

"I don't think we can be friends…"
"THAT, will teach you to be careful with fire!"
"Muffled Laughter."

"Cheers mate! I'll be taking that scrumpy of yours!"
"Quality over quanity, drunkard!"
"Two Eyes are better than one!"

"Hows that taste! Ya bouncin' madman."
"Not so smart now are ya aussie?"
"DOMINATED! I'll be taking that treasure of yours! Wonder how much scrumpy i could buy with that…."


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