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Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme
Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme

What? WHAT?!

Okay, I’ve seen some pretty absurd and wild accusations that liberals have tossed at Trump, but this…THIS…this is, hands, the absolute worst thing that the leftards have ever said, and ever will say, period. I mean, seriously, you can call him Hitler all you want. You can call him Satan all you want. But the minute, the fucking minute you even go as far as to even remotely imply that Donald Trump even might’ve pre-ordered a copy of No Man’s Sky, then that is the point at which you’ve crossed the line of no return. There’s no going back after saying that. Not even a possible chance of redemption, whatsoever. You’d have to either really fucking stupid, really fucking crazy, really fucking evil, or some combination of either of the above to even think for a second that Trump is even close to being that bad. Whatever the case, whoever made this sign and protested with it, is the lowest of the possible low of SJW scum. For shame, cucks and special snowflakes. For shame…


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