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Overwatch - Numbani airport on the PTR now

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Viuff, The Ancient Waifumancer
Viuff, The Ancient Waifumancer

in reply to Torgueliscious

reaper is a sorry excuse or a character
I hate how he talks like a sterortypical edgelord, and how he looks like a emo pre-teens deviant art sonic oc made human.

I hate soldier 75 and how he is just a generic drepessing war-torn anti hero ripped from comic books and bad hollywood movies.

I hate genju and hanzo because of their bullshit anime background soap opera story.

I feel like I could go on but my qustion is this
if that is your reason for not liking d.va why don't you also hate all characters I just mentioned?

You are free to hate and love whatever, I don't give a damn.
but your reaons seems so minor.
like D.va is just the gamer character and there are no one else like her in the game even if the new hero is also a kid in a mech so won't be another MLG gamer trash character because that is d.vas role and she won't work the same way because then what is the point of adding her if she is just another d.va?


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