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Donald Trump - Pathological Aversion to Googling Things Yourself

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Monster Kid
Monster Kid

In fact, if I remember he specifically joked about this in the sense of "If I was really the dictator you claim I am, wouldn't I have removed fox news by now?" But every time I try to find that one, I just get fox news articles about obama being a dictator, so what do I know? Either way, while he has only granted personal interviews with fox news on a very rare basis, he's NEVER blocked them from a press conference. Because that's kind of the point of a press conference, to allow free media of all kind to record and broadcast the words and actions of whoever said press conference is centered around.

I really don't know what to tell you; if you don't find ANYTHING suspicious (or at least petty) with his course of action here, you're never going to.

The greater aerie
The greater aerie

in reply to A Guy You'll Never Know

What i looked up "Obama blocked fox" i gotta bunch of articles from 2010 with a bunch of folks freaking out. including huffpo and anyone who say's huffpo is a conservative site i will mock repeatedly
ignoring this boy here, it's filled with a bunch of smaller cites who aren't worth a damn and fox, who as far as i can say has never been worth a damn and less so in this instance.

I also don't take kindly with your implication, the question is if the event happened, what i may not be in a good frame of mind but there seems to have been an attempt from what i see in the above.
given the bias of these two groups (anyone who tells you media is not biased has received a lobotomy and should be kept from breeding) for all i know, mainstream left wing groups could took down the articles from back then and the right wing are pushing the subject
it would not be the first time they've done so, smaller sites like salon took down their pedosupport articles when milo was underfire.


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