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Shitposter: Ewww!! Ashi and Jack should not be kissing.
Me: Why not? They’re man and woman. If people are accepting of gay relationships now, I’d say man and woman are still A-okay.
Shitposter: Jack is 75 and Ashi is in her 20s!
Me: Mentally, but Jack never ages, so he himself is 25 in his prime, so no foul. Plus wasn’t Aang like 112 when he kissed Katara who was like 14?
Shitposter: They must have a father daughter relationship!
Me: Do they? That only comes around for characters under a certain age, like 16. Ashi is no lost schoolgirl wanting a father figure. That boat sailed ages ago.
Shitposter: It came out of nowhere!
Me: They were practically screaming it the whole episode and in remnants of the most recent ones.
Shitposter: Jack is supposed to be innocent and pure.
Me: He fell in love with Aku. Anything lower than that is fair game.
Shitposter: I don’t like it!
Me: Then why are you trying to ruin it for the ones who do?


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