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I am eternally grateful to Blue Zircon for pointing out all the holes in the "Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond" theory. PINK DIAMOND WAS AN INSIDE JOB ROSE QUARTZ CANT MELT STEEL BEAMS

Ahem. However, there is one more hole in this theory: If one of the other Diamonds killed Pink Diamond, then how did Rose Quartz live long enough to see trial? If a literal Jack Ruby had shattered Steven while in Homeworld custody nobody would have questioned it. It's easy enough to accuse White Diamond, but she literally owns Homeworld, if she wanted to shut down the Trial she could have made it happen.

I still think PD orchestrated her own disappearance with Rose's help. Since the "Lion is PD" theory has been 'shattered', so to speak, there is one more possibility: What's in the casket in Lion's mane?


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