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The Nazis were many things, but they weren't stupid. After World War II, both the Americans and Soviets recruited some 2,000 Nazi scientists to further their research into rocketry. Former Nazi scientist Wernher Von Braun even directed the design of the Saturn V, which is the rocket that won the space race by putting two men on the moon.

Look up Operation Paperclip, and its Soviet counterpart, Operation Osoaviakhim.


in reply to Themilo

Actually, there were a couple decent policymakers in the Nazi regime that helped undo the economic disaster that was the Weimar Republic, and some brilliant generals who made the best of an unwinnable war.

A lot of evil SOBs, but they were anything but stupid.

The idea that the Nazi government was stupid, fittingly enough, comes from Hitler himself. He was an abysmal wartime leader, and an even worse strategist; but I guess that's what you get when you elect a man who's obsessed with "race hierarchies."


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