Dragonling Alternate Universe | Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid | Know Your Meme
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3116 Views Created 6 years ago By Juicydeath1025 • Updated 5 years ago

Created By Juicydeath1025 • Updated 5 years ago

Ratant o hrus oul


Artist note:
Did this turn into a kindergarten AU? It sure did, but boy did I have fun thinking of these! We’ll call it Dragonling!AU. I have a lot more comics planned for this, but let me first give you a little rundown of the kids.

Tohru: She’s the rambunctious kid that can use her cuteness to get almost everything. And whenever that doesn’t work, she turns full-on dragon child and will force it out of them. She’s super proud that her second pair of horns are growing. Doesn’t like Elma at all for some reason. She might or might not have a small crush on caretaker Kobayashi.

Fafnir: The shady weird kid who wants nothing to do with anyone else. He likes to play on his old-school gameboy color and has almost every game for it. Don’t take it away or he will hurt you. Even the caretakers are afraid of him, except for caretaker Takiya. Maybe because they found common ground?

Lucoa: You know that kid that always loses everything? Their toys, their food… their clothes? You guessed it, Lucoa is that kid. Does she do it on purpose? We will never know. She’s the only one, together with Kobayashi, who can rein in Tohru… but only if she feels like it. Was transferred from another group to Kobayashi and Takiya’s because of an incident with her sister.

Elma: Literally the only one with common sense! She just wants to play, make friends, be happy and stuff her face with food. She always accidentally gets into some kind of trouble, which is mostly Tohru’s fault. She just has a lot of bad luck and it doesn’t help that the biggest troublemaker of the group hates her guts for no apparent reason. Has food crumbs stuck to her face 24/7.

Feedback is very appreciated, especially for Lucoa. I want her clothing antics to be silly and innocent, but I’m worried that people might take it the wrong way.

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