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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to RamdomGuy2013

Tom Preston. Short version: he's an artist who's infamous for his behavior.

There was once a time he was involved in the inflation fetish community as an artist working under the pseudonym of "CattyN" but even when he did fetish art he was a bit infamous (in particular he was known to lash out at other artists and even his own fans). At some point he cut ties with that community and burned a lot of bridges. I admit I can't remember who exactly but one inflation artist even mentioned how, even after Preston ended their friendship on a sour note, Preston still tried coming to this artist for advise on how to improve his art. The artist in question told him off and pretty much no one in the inflation fetishist community likes him anymore.

One oddly specific memory I have of Preston's CattyN days was he put out a commission sheet detailing what he wouldn't draw and among them was "furries" with his reasoning being "because they're weird." Given his artist avatar nowadays I can't help but find that to be hilarious in hindsight.


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