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Hopefully this scandal will hammer home to people that EA is not a company you can trust. Capcom, sure their fighting games are meh, but they make awesome Monster Hunter games and they're making Resident Evil scary again, Ubisoft has trouble making games that don't have crazy glitches, but at least they get it right with some patches, Nintendo can't make their systems stronger than the market's, but they make damn good games, even Bethesda make some brilliant games, but can't help but put their games on calculators.

But EA? They've fucked up on all the titles they've worked on the past decade, making Harry Potter and Dead Space games into a glorified shooter, making FIFA titles the exact same with 0 changes over the years, turning Mass Effect: Andromeda into the shittiest instalment to date, making Sims DLC more expensive than the actual game, and now they're smearing their shit-filled hands all over the Star Wars name. This isn't just a one-off bad business practice, this is years of horrible games going down the drain. I hope they have the Star Wars gaming rights revoked by Disney, it will show once and for all that we will not put up with them any more.


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