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The greater aerie
The greater aerie

in reply to Kenaron

i mean this tankie could stop being wrong.
>i bet land lords do nothing all day long because that's what i'd do.

only really slumlords can get away with doing nothing and even then i think they've got a lot to do.
normally you're responsible for maintenance, liable for a lot of shit going on in the property handling insurance and shit like that.
even then you don't make a lot of money of a rental property, definitely not enough to live on.

the normal operating cost from what i hear can be up to 20,000 dollars for a small home yearly in addition to taxes and bills.
more to the point before that you had to really find the best property or else you are wasting money. speculating on the growth of neighborhoods, sitting on a property and maintaining it for years just to get a pay out.
and you end up with massive taxes when you sell it and a higher bracket for the most part when you own it even though you're only making like a thou a couple hundred a month after taxes (unless utilities were included in your arrangement.)
unless this tankie means big time developers and moguls then they have even more work and more risk.


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