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The somewhat polarizing reaction to The Last Jedi is fascinating.

I mean, for starters this is the exact same reaction The Empire Strikes Back got at the time of that movie's release. And for a few of the same reasons: The Last Jedi absolutely does shake up expectations and ignores common formulas. And of course The Empire Strikes Back is now remembered as "The Best One"™

But there's deeper discussions too, that I can't really delve into without touching on spoilers.


in reply to DaNinja

I enjoyed it, but I really like the average of the 2 scores being a 75 is the most fair score for it overall. They do some unexpected things but it's overwise predictable and will remind you of EPs 5&6 at a few points, even if it's not as blantant as with EP 7.

Basically it's a decent movie that won't deserve the overwhelming love or hate it will inevitably get.


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