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South Park - Kyle convince the executive to air the Family Guy "Muhammad" episode

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Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

I find this perspective lacking in nuance. What is okay and what is not will vary greatly based on situation and context. Factors include subject, timing, wording, audience, expectation, and intent among others. It can be okay to poke fun at just about anything given the right circumstances, and it can also be not okay under different circumstances. Knowing the difference requires discernment and mature social development and while sometimes difficult is certainly not impossible.

The trouble with PC culture is that is lays down an arbitrary set of rules rigidly defining what is and isn't acceptable that is little more than a reflection of the prejudices of the current cultural elite. Perhaps ironically, this also leaves political correctness in bad taste and equally void of nuance. That isn't even considering the willingness to punish those who step out of line with it.

While complete humor anarchy is certainly a way to rebel against the politically correct, opposing PC culture doesn't mean having no standards or discernment.


Huh. Without the context, the quote looks less clever. There are definitely some instances in which making distinctions is possible. Poking fun at the suicide of a fictional character of an indie game: OK. Poking fun at any real-life suicide instance that was not product of a Darwin Awards action: Gets your YouTube career compromised.


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