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Black Lives Matter / BLM - Casual reminder that "Black Lives Matter" does not mean "ONLY Black Lives Matter".

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in reply to A Guy You'll Never Know

I'm not watching a 20 minute video with a click baity headline and image for the sake of someone else's argument >_>. Especially when it is only tangentially related.
The core of #Blacklivesmatter is/was police violence. Many in the movement, and African Americans in general, believe that the police are biased against them to the point of shooting unarmed black men for the lulz. Many people, especially white Americans, disagree with sentiment and belief.
So the left made a slogan, #Blacklivesmatter. Its an incredibly loaded statement, and the words themselves are not something that any decent human being would disagree with. But people still disagreed with the movement, so they came up with their own loaded terms to support their beliefs. #Alllivesmatter, #Bluelivesmatter, etc. It used the same tactic their opponents where using, fairly successfully. As above, no decent person will suggest that some people's lives don't matter, or that police lives don't matter.
Thus the three word slogans came to represent three different things:
#BLM: I believe that police violence against blacks is endemic in America.
#B(lue)LM: I do not believe that police violence against blacks is endemic in America, and that BLM holds anti-police beliefs.
#ALM: I disagree with the BLM movement, either its arguments, tactics, beliefs, or for other reasons.


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