Got to be something somewhere. If they dig through every dumpster in the world, they’ll surely be able to concoct something. #ThisIsCNN
Uploaded by Matt Mar 06, 2018 at 12:37PM EST
@realjameswoods james woods cnn
Origin Entry: Russiagate
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This Nastya Rybka story is too much. Here’s their letter to the US Embassy in Bangkok offering Trump-Russia dirt.
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appeal to all media, journalists who work using my materials to spread all the information and investigate this strange situation which shed the light on some topic that led to a worldwide political scandal.
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When you rig the US election to help Trump win but then he orders a military strike against one of your allies
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Russiagate - Got to be something somewhere. If they dig through every dumpster in the world, they’ll surely be able to concoct something. #ThisIsCNN
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