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Outcast Redeemer
Outcast Redeemer

in reply to FigNewton

Shell-shocked is a medical condition that was later called PTSD in which soldiers or civilians undergoing tremendous mental strain snap and their fight or flight responses stop leaving them unable to function.

Triggered is a derogatory term making fun of weak willed individuals who can't even handle someone being mean to them because they were taught that they were special and could do no wrong by their babying parents.

To compare the two is insulting to those who are actual victims of high stress situations.


Yea some people are shitty regardless of the group they are apart of.

Assholes exist that are straight, gay, bi, pan, Trans, Cis, Black, White, Asian, what the fuck ever.

That still doesn't prove a patriarchy or a " neo-patriarchy" exists. And calling it a "neo-patriarchy" does make you sound like a transphobe because you are denying that Transwomen are women.

Not wanting to sleep with someone because they are trans is fine, but implying that a handful of trans people being assholes to you because you won't be with them is somehow a "Neo-Patriarchy" does make you sound insane. Also everyone gets shit from asshole people. Transwomen frequently deal with Chasers, Gay men deal with women trying to "turn them straight", and Straight people deal with gay people trying to "turn them" as well. Everyone deals with assholes. That doesn't mean those assholes are organized into some evil hive mind.


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