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Thundercats Roar - Some commentary from people currently working in the animation industry (Rick & Morty, Archer, prett...

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Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren

First off, the track record for CN's reboots is not good. Starting this off there's TTG which went from a loving parody of the original show and DC in general to a mean-spirited and brainless "comedy". Then there's PPG which was a watered down lazy borefest that barely felt like the series it was rebooting, There's Ben 10 which is again, a dull sanitized version the original and there's Be Cool Scooby-Doo which was unceremoniously booted to Boomerang though admittedly it was okay… later. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times and now I'm bored to tears.

Next, the whole "show isn't made for you" argument is ridiculous in this context because as true as it is that this show isn't made for me, that doesn't mean it shouldn't have effort put into it and yes I'm saying it, Roar doesn't look like it had much effort put into it outside of its opening sequence and also, I'm sick of this trend of making reboots into comedies, especially when it's so far removed from what the original is that really one has to ask themselves why an original idea wasn't chosen instead while they worked out something that fit better because really, I don't think that revives interest so much as it makes people pissed at the idea the thing even was revived because to many people. If you're doing something with a classic franchise and you aren't going to respect it or are just going to fundamentally change the core of the show? There's no point in reviving it.


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