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/pol/ - The main difference between /pol/ and SJWs

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I think that attached to both groups are shitlords who don't even consider notions of 'fairness' they just fling around terms to bully people for the sake of bullying. Its hard to really get at the core of either femenism or anti-femenism because in both cases there's a continuum from academics with valid points to shitlords who don't give a fuck about being right so long as other people are wrong. If you critique the aggressive shitlords, that side will argue that those people don't represent them, but its not like either side spends any noticeable amount of time chastising the shitlords who half-agree with them. Both sides feel superior because they see the assholes on the other side and say correctly "I'm better than that person" while pretending their side's assholes don't represent them and no one should be mad for what they say.

That all said, SJW's on some level are at least trying to help (even if they are sometimes armchair activists) and you can say "Gas the Jews, race war now" in /pol/ unironically so maybe the symmetry isn't as strong as I just suggested. If there is an opposite of slactivism, where you go online and try to convince people of horrible things but are too lazy to get off your ass and lynch anyone, that's basically what /pol/ does.


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