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Trap - Dutchess of Salt posts

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in reply to Beat

“To a transwoman some of them are clearly… transwomen in waiting”
Yes, because you are looking at this thinking of the answer rather than the question. You are trans, and you see a character that seems somewhat similar to you. Then you hear somewhere on the internet that some people use trap to describe trans people, and decide that your solution is to make all traps into transpeople so their statements are accurate. Quite simply there are a lot of reasons this is counterproductive.

Traps are not trans. Since you are trans yourself I assume you subscribe to the doctrine of “being trans is not a choice, I was born how I am.” I agree wholeheartedly. This is why trying to call traps transpeople diminishes both parties.

Take the character of Felix Argyle. He clearly states that he is a boy, and acts girly to “agitate” others. His goal is to screw with people, but he also has another goal. When his master, Crusch, started dressing in mostly boys’ clothing, he decided that he would become more feminine to support this. This was his choice, he could just have easily continued to act masculine, as he is a knight and serves as such. He made the conscious decision to become how he was, and still identified as male. Look at any REAL trap in anime and you’ll find the same pattern. What they did was a choice, and they still identify as a male. Your trying to place traps under the transgender umbrella is hurting both of us, whether you know it or not.


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