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Crunchyroll - Miles of crunchyroll gets triggered at the trigger patreon.

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in reply to Perplexed Tomato

Trigger made their own patreon! And crunchyroll isn't happy with it lol: https://www.patreon.com/studioTRIGGER

It's all a shame too because i really liked CR a while back, like ANN was always 100% trash and outed themselves as the CNN of anime in about 2015-2016 but it felt like CR was doing a good job at bridging the community between the west and east while also helping support actual creators and developers. Now we find out that's never been the case, all they do is "bridge" the gap between california and east, and as more info comes out that they are actively, they try to censor any game they localize that has "problematic stuff in it", they are against actual artists building their patreons, and that almost the entirety of profits have been going to CR with the creators earning nothing, i'm real sad to say the least. This is a company that tries to capitalize on western anime fans, but not only do they stop there but then they do shit like this too.

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