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Marvel Comics - "I'm only liking this tweet so I can dig it up again when this comic is cancelled due to low sales."

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look im usually with the negative comics side when, say, a comic makes a character gay for shits and giggles or just replaces a long established character with a crappy replacement just to win some pc points, but if you still have a problem with this when the character has their own name, unique look and different series then you should take a hard look at yourself, because at this point we havent seen any other reason to hate on this comic yet. This should be the kind of thing comic book fans SHOULD support, not something they thumb their nose at because it happens to be a black girl.

judging this would be like judging the runaways off its first cover as a PC police comic and that was my favorite goddamn comic ever. this comic could end up being tumbler's favorite comic or it could end up being great, but no one knows that yet and you really shouldnt judge it until you read it.


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