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Here are Kavanaugh and garrett now
Uploaded by Matt Sep 21, 2018 at 12:12PM EDT
Origin Entry: Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nomination
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Okay, I'll begin laying out some information concerning Christine Blasey Ford's allegation against judge Kavanaugh
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Professor Ford and Judge Kavanaugh should both testify under oath before the Judiciary Committee.
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To review: 1. Kavanaugh's accuser is now on the record: Her name is Christine Blasey Ford 2. Ford has offered a detailed account of sexual assault by Kavanaugh 3. Ford's account corroborated by therapists notes from 2012 4. Ford passed a polygraph tes
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Remember the undocumented pregnant minor who was denied access to an abortion? Brett Kavanaugh was in the minority of judges who voted against giving her access to an abortion. He will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
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Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nomination - Here are Kavanaugh and garrett now
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