Someone identifies as president who doesn't fit the president role, and we're supposed to accept that, no questions asked. Someone identifies as male or female, who doesn't fit the idea of a male or female role, and it's wrong...? #wewillnotbeerased #They
Uploaded by Matt Oct 24, 2018 at 04:19PM EDT
Origin Entry: #WeWillNotBeErased
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To cisgender gay, lesbian and bisexual people, Please take a moment today to remember the trans women who put their lives on the line to create the LGBTQ Rights Movement so you could live openly today. #wewillnotbeerased
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I’ve been a civil rights activist for 30 yrs. I’m a former federal employee with a 4.5/5 rating. I’ve helped save many lives via my work. I’m a dad of 2 kids. I work hard. Even if I were none of these things, I’d still deserve recognition from my govt. #w
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#WeWillNotBeErased - Someone identifies as president who doesn't fit the president role, and we're supposed to accept that, no questions asked. Someone identifies as male or female, who doesn't fit the idea of a male or female role, and it's wrong...? #wewillnotbeerased #They
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