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Without the context of Pokemon I could see these three in a slice of life school anime together

Groo-chan is super laid back but is one of those characters that typically carries those comically large fans. Tries and fails to convince Scor-chan not to do something stupid. Comforts and supports Sob-chan whenever possible. Plays the drums in a band from time to time with the Unovan Simian trio. Grades are fairly average.

Scor-chan is your typical hothead characters. Is usually the recipient of the comically large fan when she does do something that ticks off Groo-chan. Pulls pranks from time to time. Is super sporty however sucks at academics as per the archetypes. Considers Primeape-chan her rival

Sob-chan is your typical shy girl. Hides behind Groo-chan when scared. Is sometimes the recipient of Scor-chan's pranks. Grades are the highest out of the trio. Possibly a closet otaku


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