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Ice Climbers: Plusle and Minun
Corrin: Kindra
Mr.Game&Watch: Octillery
Toon Link: Celebi
Wii-Fit Trainer: Medicham
Dr.Mario: a mix of Ph.D Cosplay Pikachu and Mega Audino with mustache
Mii Brawler: Red ditto
Mii Swordfighter: Blue ditto
Link: Decidueye with Aegislash
Simon: Chesnaught
Sonic: Alolan Sandslash
Bayonetta: Pheromosa
Daisy: Floette
Mii Gunner: Yellow Ditto
Luigi: Eeve
Ken: Blaziken
Snake: Seviper
R.O.B(NES colors): Robot Pikachu
Lucas: Meowstic Male with Ekans
King.K.Rool: Krookodile
Ike: Terrakion
Olimar: Dewpider
Blue Pikmen: Budew
Red Pikmen: Alolan Diglett
Yellow Pikmen: Skiploom
Dark Pit: Honchkrow
Bowser: Blastoise
Little Mac: Hitmonchan
Falco: Hawlucha
Yoshi: Bagon
Isabelle: Fennekin
Shiek: Meloetta Pirouette form
Cloud: Samurott
Diddy Kong: Chimchar
Samus: Deoxys Defense form
Zelda: Meloetta Aria form
Pit: Dartrix
Fox: Braixen
Boy Inkling: Inkay with Clawitzer gun
Kirby: Jigglypuff
Wolf: Lycanroc Midnight form
Girl inkling: Inkay with Clawitzer gun
Donkey Kong: Slaking
Rosalina & Luma: Gardevoir & Minior shield's down
Bowser Jr: Squirtle
Ganondorf: Emboar
Roy: Keldeo
Zero Suit Samus: Lopunny
Megaman: Golett


in reply to Heatex77

Pac-Man: Ghastly
Marth: Gallade
Villiger: Simisage
Dark Samus: Genescet
Ness: Meowstic Female
Shulk: Absol
Peach: Tsareena
Young Link: Farfetched
R.O.B(Famicom): Robot Pikachu
Piranha Plant: Mawile
Mario: Pikachu
Palutena: Mega Gardevoir
Ryu: Mega Lucario
Richter: Heracross
Wario: Mimikyu
Meta Knight: Fortress
Lucina: Virzion
King Dedede: Empoleon
Ridley: Aerodactyl
Captain Falcon: Talonflame
Duck Hunt: Ducklett & Smeargle
Chrom: Cobalion
Robin: Zeraora


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