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Jo Cox tribute
Uploaded by andcallmeshirley Sep 04, 2019 at 04:40AM EDT
Origin Entry: United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
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Since becoming PM Theresa May has: Lost the Tory majority Lost 35 ministers Lost 39 HoC votes Lost 2 Brexit deal votes Lost all authority Lost control of cabinet Lost control of parliament Lost control of party Lost respect for the UK But she has not l
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It is the year 2030, you & I live in a bin, the meaningful vote is a weekly ritual sacrifice whose historical origins are increasingly forgotten & the Today programme is asking but how long can Theresa May really go on though.
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She whipped against her own position from yesterday and still lost. Theresa May now so weak she can’t even defeat Theresa May.
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I normally try very, very, hard not to say things like this, but have never actually seen anything like what's happened tonight
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United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit - Jo Cox tribute
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