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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to loafhero

I definitely prefer the characterization and timing of the humor in the older seasons. I'd say the best seasons were the pre-revival seasons plus the first two or so post post-revival. Those first couple of post-revival seasons may have shown some signs of changes that would annoy me later but they weren't so bad mostly because I felt the writing was still mostly solid at the time, probably because the writers still had quite a bit of passion for the series. I think it was after "Lois Kills Stewie" that things started to take a bigger turn for the worse. Interestingly it seems after FG started to go bad that's when American Dad seemed to get better each season. The TBS seasons have been a bit of a mixed bag so far but thankfully American Dad is nowhere near modern Family Guy levels of "they need to just let this end already" yet.


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