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The greater aerie
The greater aerie

in reply to Kenaron

I think that's actually unrelated to the point here ken.
i mean first i should atleast say that nobody said the checkmarks want anyone murdered (though i don't doubt that among them there are those sorts). the narrative as i've seen was they acted hysterically, and as the neopurtian mob aping the American evangelicals OR that they are a bunch of ideological vultures hoping for this event to further their personal narratives about X population and Y thing.

Deflecting to how Clowns were used by anti-sjws in the general spectrum, from the autistic /pol/ nazis to less autistic non nazis is odd.I get that you're trying to say look they (the blues) are uniquely concerned about this given they are generally far left ideologues and are fixated on that i can understand. but you also gotta remember this is twitter with the clown card meme, and shit like that, which has nothing to do with the honkler or clown world both can be grouped together under pepe the frog anyway


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