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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Lake: Shadow Legends

It seems to go both ways on the "skin tone" thing. Draw a dark skinned character just one shade lighter than usual? "OMG YOU RACIST!" Draw a normally light skinned character a bit darker? "YOU SJW CUCK!" Plus there are cases when some people take things way too far when it comes to "making a statement" on artist outrage, like that one guy who literally drew Nessa from Pokemon as a monkey, which is a big case of "okay this isn't defending an artist for taking very mild artistic liberties, this is you being an actual racist asshole" (similar deal with people who made jokes saying the 2016 Ghostbusters is "really a reboot of the Filmation series as they both have a gorilla" by clearly using a really bad racial slur towards Leslie Jones by saying that, which makes me go "dude fucking stop, shit like that only gives the people who claim that 'anyone who doesn't like the 2016 Ghostbusters is a bigot' some legitimate ammo").

Sometimes I also recall that one Fairly Odd Parents episode where Timmy got sick of the dentist (voiced by Gilbert Gottfried) making fun of his buck teeth so he wished everyone in the world was a gray blob. Even with everyone in the world now looking exactly the same you still had people who found some ways to act like they're superior, with the now gray'd and blob'd version of the dentist still acting all high and mighty by claiming he's "the grayest and the blobbiest."


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