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Didn't expect to like this granny character that much. She's absolutely ancient, most of the time she walks like she could crumble to dust at any moment, but she ALWAYS sneaks behind you somehow and once she gets a glimpse of this pretty boy she charges like Gollum going for The One Ring.

And given her gym gimmick, I don't doubt she can bestow actual curses on people if she feels like it.


Are you familiar with the Tragedy of Fae Azumarill The Wise?

…I thought not. It's not a story the League would tell you.

Azumarill was a Water/Fairy type Pokemon so powerful that it had the ability Huge Power. It has such Attack Power that it could even destroy Shuckles. Indeed, it was so powerful, that the only thing it feared was being banned, and of course, it was.

Ironic… it could protect others from powercreep, but not itself


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