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Gotta Fuse 'em All
Uploaded by butterin yobread Aug 30, 2011 at 06:05PM EDT
slowpoke pikachu omastar oddish spearow tauros pidgey venonat wartortle mankey kabutops torchic sandslash kangaskhan charizard primeape seaking nidoking growlithe aerodactyl charmander beedrill electrode magmar pidgeot mudkip parasect farfetch'd raichu dugtrio absol ekans cubone seel tentacruel machoke kabuto fearow dratini pidgeotto hypno mewtwo onix rattata dewgong mew butterfree zapdos gyarados ditto magnemite bulbasaur drowzee exeggutor missingno magneton caterpie weepinbell ivysaur arbok metapod meowth ninetales golem raticate doduo kakuna dragonair lickitung clefairy lapras sandshrew diglett persian starmie articuno rapidash gravaler geodude exeggcute hitmonlee charmeleon bellsprout blastoise venusaur haunter psyduck hitmonchan jynx poliwrath scyther squirtle poliwag dodrio dragonite porygon machamp wigglytuff victreebell gengar krabby staryu kadabra muk moltres vaporeon alakazam flareon pinsir cloyster
Origin Entry: Slowpoke
File type: jpg
Resolution: (1890px x 3184px)
File size: 928 KB
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