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Mr. Mediocre
Mr. Mediocre

Grave, King of the Diamond Dogs- Wanting an unneeded amount of for gain, and willing to destroy any that stand in your way. I grant you the Element of Greed.

Trixie, The Great and Powerful – For vast amounts of lying, and denying any evidence of the truth. Your coniving ways are truly a force of their own. I grant you The Element of Deception.

Gilda – Leaving her friends over petty disputes and with no forgiveness in her heart. No regrets for casting away freinds and family alike. I grant you the Element of Desertion.

BlueBlood – Unwilling to waste time with anyone other than himself. Your pride blinds you from the Magic Friendship, but leads you to power of Chaos. I grant you the Element of Coarseness.

Inky Pie – Apathy and hopelessness have opened your eyes to the true horror of the world. No point in any venture and no silver lining to any cloud. I grant you the Element of Depression.

Together we are the Elements of Chaos, following in my steps to take over Equestria, and cast an unstoppable wave of destruction over all ponykind, and I, Lord Discord, SHALL RISE AGAIN!



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