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in reply to The greater aerie

More cat trivia: they actually have a primitive concept of "respect", and will acknowledge a human as their "master" if they earn it. The maximum expression of said respect is when you rub their head or chin with your fingers and they fully close their eyes when you do so. Being the alpha predators that they are, lowering their guard like that is something they would only do either when going to sleep or because a human's mere presence and actions tell them to do so.

Naturally, in contrast, a cat strongly biting you in the arm is the opposite of respect.

Judging by the footage, the cat did not seem to have done so necessarily out of hate or spite, but rather, out of playfulness, which is not as bad, but still, that means that her cat just sees her as a playmate that ocassionally brings food, not as a master, which is decisively less respectful. And can you blame the cat, really..? She should count herself lucky to even be seen as a playmate at this point.

The greater aerie
The greater aerie

so cats can carry a disease that can be spread by bites or scratches to humans.
while not deadly it makes you feel like shit, tiredness and crap
Just putting that out there


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