Mother of god
Uploaded by Matt May 28, 2020 at 02:03PM EDT
trigger the libs own the libs guns trigger discipline @bfriedmandc
Origin Entry: Gun Owners Pointing Guns At Their Crotches
File type: png
Resolution: (733px x 582px)
File size: 520 KB
owning the libs by... performatively threatening to voluntarily do the thing with the consequence they're most afraid of?
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Did Trump say that shooting yourself in the dick will cure Coronavirus? Because I am all for Trump supporters sterilizing themselves so they can’t reproduce.
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. Point a gun at your groin ironically to look like a moron. 2. People call you a moron. 3. Get upset at people for calling you a moron when that was your intention? 4. Comedy. 😎
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Gun Owners Pointing Guns At Their Crotches - Mother of god
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