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Punished "Venom" Toaster
Punished "Venom" Toaster

Yall realize up the appearance of being friendly with these cunts on the world stage is necessary right?
Like maybe using a light touch with volatile dictators is smarter than antagonizing them?
I'm not even slightly right wing and can see this is retarded.
You guys are brainwashed, trump is a typical blowhard republican, but people think is literally hitler, it's insane.


in reply to Punished "Venom" Toaster

The only reason he's better than Obama according to Putin is because he's been stripping away things that would prevent WWIII, like the Open Skies Treaty, let alone the INF (cheating or not, at least while they were in it we had them pegged for continuing to break international law, now just zilch)
Kim hasn't done shit but continue to rearm, the same thing as before, and coupled with a good deal of antagonizing
Trump's diplomacy of "Don't be a tough guy, don't be a fool" to Erdogan didn't stop them from offensives in Syria the US didn't want
And we have no real reason to need anything from Egypt or the Phillipines.
This ain't a light touch, this is just straight up being useless and destabilizing, two attributes I'd easily throw at Hitler as well, as stupid as reducto ad hitlerum is otherwise


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