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Okay, while I do not support the police, I do not think that all cops are bastards.

It's not the good cops' faults that the system is corrupt. They're the bad guys for participating? What do these people want them to do? Leave? Great, then that leaves the bad eggs, and there will be no room left for reform. Did the person who wrote this comic not stop to think that maybe some cops want reform, but aren't in a position to push for it? Some people on the force in my town are black. What does that make them?

I believe in police reform, but to point the finger at all policemen and say "all cops are bastards, even the good ones" has never, and will never, solve anything.

Monster Kid
Monster Kid

It legitimately is an institutional issue, where those that are good cops don't get to stay cops if they try to report bad ones, unless you live in a very uncorrupt area. however bad cops reported by good cops in said uncorrupt areas are then rehired in corrupt areas because of the way the police unions work. thus, the correct thing to do would be to essentially flush the system by downsizing everyone and allowing everyone to apply with new tests that are based on NOT shooting first and asking questions later or assuming everyone is out to kill you. But to say this much would get you mocked for having too many words in a meme so people do ACAB as an oversimplification and it angers people. Surprise surprise, social issues are complicated and can't be simplified into slogans so easily. Meanwhile things that ARE turned into slogans either mean nothing or have unfortunate implications. This included.


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