Self loathing man of inaction | Oomer Wojaks | Know Your Meme
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6387 Views Created 3 years ago By A Mr Mime • Updated about a year ago

Created By A Mr Mime • Updated about a year ago

The Self-Loathing Man of Inaction (20s) >super-NEET, hasn't been outside in literal months >rarely even does things he likes anymore What do I want to do? I don't know.. I'm not driving yet, but you know, soon. >procrastinates basic tasks such as cleaning or cooking Oh right, that's on my backlog. Keeps getting bigger and bigger, l'll get my GED some day. heh.. Yeah, I've been meaning to do >will neglect hygienic activies such as brushing teeth or showering that, haha.. >spends most of his time watching garbage on I don't know how to do that. I don't know what I want. I just don't know. YouTube, browsing boards or talking in chatrooms Hah, I can only really cook instant ramen. I'm so bored. >family probably think he's retarded or worse >has alienated or lost most friends in the real world STOP GIVING ME ADVICE, OKAY? I'm trying. I'll do it tomorrow. I'm too lazy. What am I supposed to do again? This is the day. I'm gonna turn things around. >has convinced himself he's ready to improve and leave the NEET life but constantly sabotages himself and prevents any commitment to change Eh, not today. >things never turn around, he gets more depressed
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Oomer Wojaks


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