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Cyberpunk 2077 - Without Black people there would be no Cyberpunk.

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I know he's referring to Mike Pondsmith, the creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying games which 77 is based off of, who is black, but I can't tell if he's talking about the tabletop games, CP 77 or the whole Cyberpunk genre. Either way it's dumb to get race involved in all this and I'm pretty sure that the creator doesn't want to be a part of this dumb shit.


The mother of the Cyberpunk genre, Metropolis, came out in a time in which black people were still not allowed to even sleep in hotel rooms and were kept in the basement instead.

Other peak influencers like Akira and the first Blade Runner movie don't have any black characters, hhowever Blade Runner does have a lot of Asians roaming in the streets because in the 80s Japan rose up as a technological and economical superpower.

Ironically, both movies are about a human who wants to bang an Android


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