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That's fucking petty. If the Olympics recognizes Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as separate entities with separate athletes, then they should be recognized as separate countries. It's not like Texas or Alaska sent in their own registered athletes and got their own medals.


The Republic of China is it's own country (checks to make sure VPN is still on), and Hong Kong is still in transit, but I'm surprised Macau even has an Olympics team of it's own; or is it literally just People's Republic of China's extra cheat B-team? Like, the guys who tried out for the main China one but they didn't have any more entry spots left so they were too good to just send back to the camps, so they got put on the Macau team? I know the Olympics themselves are the only organization on the plane that could be worse that the CCP, so I know they don't actually care about this kind of bullshit, but I want to know what the logic is regardless.


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