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The alphabet of Super Mario Galaxy 2
Uploaded by Sum Lu Zer Sep 01, 2021 at 11:48PM EDT
super mario galaxy 2 alphabet letters coin mario d-pad d pad star chip home menu - button + button z button silver star grand star luigi star cursor purple coin green star comet crown aiming reticle crosshair bowser hand star bit princess peach letter ? question mark 1-up mushroom life mushroom hungry luma luma clock timer yoshi comet medal flower flag bowser flag silhouette outline bronze star blimp fruit bronze grand star topman goomba a button b button c button wii remote nunchuck 1 button 2 button star coconut arrow down arrow star bunny control stick toad x supper mario broth
Origin Entry: Super Mario Galaxy
File type: png
Resolution: (752px x 620px)
File size: 380 KB
In the cutscene of Bowser Jr. greeting Mario before the final battle in Super Mario Galaxy, his eye animation becomes glitched, causing him to continuously keep blinking rapidly for the duration of the cutscene.
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A Mexican billboard ad for Energizer batteries displayed all Wii Remote inputs needed to beat Galaxy 2 from start to finish (each dot represents one input) to show how all of this was accomplished using only one pair of batteries.
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Super Mario Galaxy - The alphabet of Super Mario Galaxy 2
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