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when you realise the bear and the maiden fair is a song celebrating bestiality | /r/FreeFolk
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Mar 25, 2022 at 03:27AM EDT
freefolk /r/freefolk game of thrones game of thrones memes freefolk memes reddit /r/freefolk memes got got memes forehead nose chin eyebrow mouth beard organ jaw flash photography gesture happy cool
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Neither of the Starks spoke any Dothraki and would have no idea what Daenerys said in her victory speech. | /r/FreeFolk
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Did Littlefinger seriously believe he could manipulate Sansa again after he sold her into a rapey sadistic marriage? He's supposed to be a master of reading people. | /r/FreeFolk
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Daenarys killing innocent people makes absolutely no sense. 7 seasons of standing up for commoners doesn't get erased instantly just because your BFF gets killed. | /r/FreeFolk
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/r/freefolk - when you realise the bear and the maiden fair is a song celebrating bestiality | /r/FreeFolk
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