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in reply to RamdomGuy2013

Yajirobe did that.

Other than provide a convenient excuse why they don't have a bunch of them (they could grow really slow and Korin had these hoarded from centuries of only Roshi being able to get up there before), all they would experience was extreme bloating since each seed can keep a healthy person fed for 10 days, and extreme pain from the seed healing properties preventing you from exploding to death.

Now rewatching this I genuinely want to know what was Goku's plan in his mind when he ate the senzu since until this point the only property he knew was that they were filling, probably hoping Korin could nurse him and make him stronger for a rematch, Yajirobe had to literally carry him up there. (which also establishes he was at one point close to Goku's strength, sure Bora gave him a nice boost, but he had to climb all the rest while carrying Goku and his dummy thicc ass cheeks, something Korin commends him for)


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