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654 Views Created about a year ago By Reddit Moments • Updated about a year ago

Created By Reddit Moments • Updated about a year ago

: Anonymous You wanna go out sometime? yes. 156 KB PNG 04/26/22(Tue)19:21:51 No.25517524 (1/2) >straight cis guy >3 years ago >start going out with my current MtF girlfriend >knew her for a little while as a guy, but not super well >started to know her some more when she started transitioning in college >she fell into a small friend group I was part of and we got to know each other better as friends >she had a boyfriend early on in transition who was terrible to her, they ended up breaking up and she got super depressed. >I found her approachable, despite not being a ladies man myself >we got along well, and I found her attractive even though she was a little androgynous, so I said 'screw it' and asked her out. It was just as a low pressure thing to lift her spirits. She was hesitant but she agreed. : Anonymous >we had a few dates on which she really brightened up and we got along super well one on one >she had a lot of self image issues both because of her dysphoria and prior bad relationship >we worked through it, I was pretty clueless, but I did what I figure girls liked, got her flowers, told her she was pretty, and I tried to support her when she was down. >I didn't think it would get so crazy serious, but we really started to fall for each other quickly. >as more of herself started to shine through, I became really attracted to her and she saw something in me too, I guess >we stuck it out and moved in together after I graduated 04/26/22(Tue)19:22:47 No.25517536 (2/2) >ff a few years >we're still together, going strong >she's been on hormones a while now, and had, I think, all the surgeries she wants to get. >her dysphoria is mostly gone at this point and she's a really happy person which makes me happy too >she's come out of her shell so much and is such a confident person compared to before >not only that, and I hope this doesn't sound too shallow, but slowly but surely, she got hot, crazy hot >it baffles me just how out of my league this woman is >I'm not a burn victim or anything, but I'm an admittedly barely average looking lanky guy who's well on his way to a dad bod before he hits thirty >meanwhile my gf is like a supermodel and she still looks at me like I'm an absolute stud >I come back from work and she's like a lovesick puppy there to greet me >I wake up in the morning to see her adorable little face cuddled up into me >I take her out and she dresses up for me like it's a first date. >seriously I sometimes worry about her leaving me for someone else, but for whatever reason, she's enamored with me. >investment paid off I guess and I hit the jackpot >but I think the time's come where all doubts are gone and I'm finally going to ask this woman to marry me. >we talked about it a little a while ago, but we both were cool with not rushing ahead with things, and she really wanted to get her surgeries out of the way so she could feel like herself on her wedding day. >I've had the ring for a while and now that she's in a good place transition-wise, I want to pop the question. I don't come here too often, but here's a feel good story I guess, plus I get to brag about my hot gf. I'm really bad at coming up with sappy romantic stuff though, so if anyone has a memorable way to ask her to marry me, I'm open to suggestions.
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