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"/tttt/", an acronym for Trans, Trans, Trans & Trans, is 4chan's imageboard primarily for discussion surrounding trans people. Although the board is officially known as "LGBT" for Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender, the more commonly used term stems from the fact that trans people, also known as tranners, dominate above other topics.[1] Threads related to being bi or gay aren't generally tolerated[38] and can be found on other LGBT-friendly boards such as /fit/. [2]

An image depicting a boymoder, one of the many subcategories of trans people.


The /lgbt/ board was founded in 2013 by the site's owner Moot and quickly became known as /tttt/, likely due to the userbase of the now-gone board /cd/ from 420chan migrating there.[3]


Trans people of /tttt/ are often classified as either "HSTS", or husstussies, short for homosexual transsexual, or AGP, short for autogynephile, literally meaning love for one's self as a woman. Although the terms were coined by the American-Canadian sexologist Ray Blanchard [4] to categorize trans people into two groups when it comes to sexuality, in the context of the board hustussies are often associated with being based and AGP with being cringe. [35] AGP is also said to be synonymous with being a transbian. [36]

The popularity for Blanchard's transsexualism typology within the board is primarily caused by trenders and "hons" dominating the discussion surrounding trans people online. Blanchard's worldview is used as a deterrent for hugboxers not to visit the board.[5]

[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ Auto] File: D8d9Tb4XkAEz3IE.jpg (46 KB, 686x477) O HSTS vs AGP body language Anonymous 07/15/19(Mon)06:54:04 No.12902259 ► >>12902540 >>12903662 O Anonymous 07/15/19(Mon)12:31:00 No.12903662 >12903673 >12904399 >>12904432 >>12902259 (OP) this is honestly the funniest picture i've ever seen on the internet his vaguely threatening gesture and stance, the woman meekly clasping her hands together in fear, the difference in size between his massive skull and hers, his caveman-tier slouch making him look like a hunchback versus her standing up straight, the remnants of what appear to be sideburns on the side of his face versus the woman's clear cheeks, the intense expression on his face versus the bewildered expression on hers, the sheer difference in size between their torsos - his is probably double the size of hers, his masculine profile with his chin jutting out and his longer face versus her wider face. i could go on, but you get the idea all of this contrasted with the constant assertion that these people are identical to women and there is no meaningful difference between them makes for the most exquisite form of irony when their differences are juxtaposed so vividly. the contrast is almost divine - on the left is man's hubris, his desire to capture the beauty of nature and make it his own, his cerebral and conscious understanding of what it means to be what he thinks he is, his intentional "becoming", while on the right is nature, effortless being, no doctors appointments or hormones or surgery, just an "is" that needs nothing added to it in order to be complete. he tries so hard and yet, the harder he tries to "become", the further he takes himself away from the effortless "is" that is the thing he wants to be. it's comedy on a cosmic scale, a joke only god himself could come up with

A screenshot from /tttt/ describing the nuances of HSTS and AGP. Autogynephiles are often associated with masculine features such as a prominent browbone and linebacker shoulders.


Many autogynephiles are said to go through a phase called "meta-attraction". Meta-attraction occurs when a trans girl in her "baby trans" phase is all of a sudden attracted to men, despite having been exclusively attracted to women prior to transition. The phenomena can be explained by the abrupt and subconscious need for validation of one's gender by heterosexual men. Being seen as sexually attractive to heterosexual men solidifies the idea that an autogynephile truly is a woman.[6] In the context of the board, meta-attraction is said to last up to two or three years.[7] It is also said that once the "high" from male attention is no longer seen as validating but rather a nuisance, meta-attraction wears off and an autogynephile sees their attraction shift back towards women.[8]

One infamous instance of meta-attraction is by the social media influencer Natalie Wynn, also known as Contrapoints, who shortly after her transition claimed to be mostly attracted to men, but since 2020 is known to be exclusively dating lesbians and other transbians.[9]

ContraPoints describing herself as being attracted to men in 2018 in a now-deleted Tweet, only to fall back to identifying as a transbian few years later.


The term "boymoder" is a part of /tttt/-lingo to describe a subclass of trans women that continue to live as boys in fear of being outed as trans[10]. Boymoders more often than not are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but are afraid to come out as trans due having to "pass" as their desired gender. Other reasons for boymoding include living in an abusive and/or transphobic household or community.

Boymoders are sometimes depicted as the girl from Menhera Shoujo Kurumi-chan[11] and are said to be wearing dark hoodies to cover up their HRT-induced breasts.[10] However, it is not uncommon for boymoders to not bear literal resemblance to a 16 year old girl from a gag manga. Trans girls that are incapable of ascending to girlmode are sometimes mistakenly refererred to as boymoders, but are in reality "manmoders". Manmoders have irredeemably masculine features are often told to stray from the stolen valor of being called a boymoder.[12]

The act of a boymoder becoming a "girlmoder", or coming out as a woman, is called boyremoval.[34] For this to happen, the hoodie is removed, often through coercion. Then, the boy needs to be extracted via sexual intercourse. To quote Anon[13]:

The boy is kept in the prostate and the only way to remove it is with a dick.

The act of failing to disguise one's self as a male while on HRT due to the unmistakable appearance of a woman is called "malefail"[14] and is said to be an indication that one's "boy" ought to be removed without delay.[40]

Kurumi Nanase (Kurumi-chan) is often associated with boymoders.

What would you do if you came across a boymoder

"What would you do if you came across a boymoder" is a catchphrase followed by a hypothetical scenario of a boymoder "just generally" acting a certain way. Although the question can be answered with genuine intent, the phrase "tire iron" is often used as a response to imply a boymoder is to be met with violence.[37]

A boymoder asking a hypothetical question.


Ayden is an AFAB (assigned-female-at-birth) trans male or enby that despite their best efforts at passing as male or "trans masc", looks like a teenage boy at best.[39] Not to be confused with pooners. Ayden is often ridiculed for having "femalebrained" interests and for spending time in girl-dominated spaces online, like Tumblr.[15] Self-inserting as anime boys is a common trait among Ayden's[41], with Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter and Armin Arlert from Attack on Titan as common examples[16]. Other self-inserts include the Doomer Boy [17]. Because /tttt/ is said to be an inherently malebrained board[18], Ayden's are a minority there.

The FtM equivalent of AGP is "autoandrophilia", or AAP for short according to Blanchard's typology.[19]

Doomer Boy is theorized to be a self-insert by the artist @toxic_nugget.

HRT femboy

HRT femboy is an AMAB (assigned-male-at-birth) male who continues to identify as their birth sex but chooses to go on HRT to achieve a more feminine appearance, like with fat distribution or skin texture. [20] In the context of the board, HRT femboys are said to be no different from trans women, rather, they choose to identify as HRT femboys to be seen as based.[21]

HRT femboy is a person on HRT who looks feminine while maintaining their identity as a male. Bailey or @Newposter2 on Twitter is said to be an example of a HRT femboy.[22]


Hon is a an unpassable trans woman[23] with masculine traits. These traits include a male-like enlarged cranial vault[54], a flared ribcage, a receding hairline, broad shoulders, a masculine jaw and a deep voice, among others.[55] Hons are said to be oblivious to the fact they're unpassing and have a poor sense of fashion, opting to wear autogynephilic clothing like thigh highs and skirts that do not fit their body shape[24]. The term comes from the abbreviation for "honey", which is something hons call each other.[25] Hon is sometimes used ironically or in a self-loathing sense to refer to someone who passes and isn't actually a hon.

Whether or not all hons are truly trans or "trutrans" has been a topic of debate in /tttt/. Some argue the lack of childhood dysphoria, which would have lead them to transition earlier in life, and their "brainbroken" or "malebrained" and fetishistic view on the trans experience does not warrant a claim to transhood. [48] Others argue that not all hons transition late in life and have genuine intent despite their unfortunate appearance and should therefore be treated the same as people who aren't hons.[49]

On June 18 2023, an Anonymous user described a list of features one should avoid to not be seen as a hon:[44]

  • Late transition
  • Hondoses, note the lack of estrogenized skin
  • Shitty hair color
  • AGP smirk
  • not dressing your age, shitty makeup and then crossdressing on top of it
  • le choker
  • le septum piercing

It's m'am is an example of a hon.[26]


Rapehon is a type of hon who transitions in order to gain access to women's spaces.[50] Jessica Yaniv is said to be a rapehon by some users of the board due to her filing a human rights complaint on the basis of not having her genitals waxed in a service meant for cisgender women.[51] Rapehons are considered to be transbians by virtue of wanting to be in the presence of women.

AGP smirk

AGP smirk, or AGP grin, is a type of facial expression AGP's or hons exhibit. The smirk is described as a slight smile that doesn't show teeth, usually with a head tilt and a wrinkled forehead.[45] The smirk is said to bear a resemblance to a "smug anime girl" who is satisfied in their self-perceived sexual desirability after having gone the process of transitioning.[52] The phenomena is seen as particularly prevalent among hons on Reddit. [53] The term likely originated from Kiwi Farms and was adopted by /tttt/ due to the overlap with Blanchardianism.[46]

AGP smirk is accompanied by "honfidence", which is a portmanteau for the words hon and confidence, a type of unwarranted certainty in a trans woman's ability to pass despite their obvious clockable features.[47]

AGP smirk at display by a hon.


Brainworms manifest inside a /tttt/ user's brain whenever they're hyper-fixated on a physical feature in themselves, mainly the skeleton.[27] As bone tissue is mostly immutable past puberty, the skeleton is seen as the deciding factor for "NGMI" or Not Going To Make It.[28] Though, the iliac crest of the pelvis can sometimes grow well into a trans woman's 20s[29] and is cited as a reason to "troon out" as soon as possible, even after completing puberty.[30] On February 7th 2023, an Anonymous user described an extensive list of features that "give away" one's transhood (shown below).

Other notable examples of brainworms include "expanded facial planes", which describe the elongated distance between a person's facial features.[31] People with expanded facial planes are said to not benefit from facial feminization surgery, as shaving off excess bone will throw off the overall balance and proportions of the face.[32]

Unneutered feline is a prime example of NGMI. Cats experience some degree of sexual dimorphism[33], similar to humans.

Trans iceberg

On December 7th 2021, an Anonymous user posted a photo consisted of trans girls in their respective "tier" of passing.[42] The post would later on circulate the internet as "trans iceberg", and was shared on other social media platforms such as Twitter as recently as August of 2023.[43]

The Trans iceberg.

Search Interest

External References

[1] Contrapoints – Incels | ContraPoints

[2] Anonymous – Going to fit is for gays only, sorry / 11-16-2021

[3] Ayden !!KlBNGT/4uNG – started on 420chan regarding lgbt rrlated stuff moved here when created / 2-15-2023

[4] Wikipedia – Blanchard's transsexualism typology

[5] Anonymous – If you haven't read Blanchard, do so. I believe that is the only way we can go back to a pre-pandemic non-hugbox /lgbt/. / 6-4-2022

[6] TAILCALLED – Meta-attraction cannot account for all autogynephiles’ interest in men / 9-10-2019

[7] Anonymous – Meta-attraction disappears after the first two or three years or HRT, and then the autogynephile becomes a transbian. It's scientifically proven. / 2-6-2021

[8] Anonymous – Once I lost interest in my sex fantasy, I left him without any feeling. / 2-6-2023

[9] ContraPoints – Shame | ContraPoints

[10] Suit Pepe – Boymoder / 9-22-2020

[11] pistonwhipped – boymoder mood swings / 5-20-2021

[12] KmPi – Manmoder

[13] Anonymous – The boy is kept in the prostate and the only way to remove it is with a dick / 2-23-2023

[14] Butter? – Male fail

[15] Anonymous – how can u be so fembrained and claim to be ftm? go back to tumblr, ayden. / 12-2-2021

[16] Kurapikarmin – dressing as girly boys opened the window to the rest of my life and unlocked my true form lmao
/ 6-28-2022

[17] Anonymous – Go to toxic_nugget's Twitter and look around, it's an art account with some very femboy-eboy selfies. Go to his DeviantART or Tumblr and it's increasingly obvious this is either a femme gay boy or a trans boy uwu. / 1-24-2021

[18] Anonymous – you can see the change in atmosphere when you visit some actual afab centric boards like crystal cafe. /tttt/ is truly a malebrained hellhole. / 5-31-2022

[19] Wiktionary – autoandrophilia

[20] Transhealthuk – Hormone Therapy for Transfeminine NonBinary Individuals and Femboys 101

[21] Anonymous – they cope as femboys for a couple of years, 'ewww, I'm not a tacky tranny, I'm le based femboy', but then eventually transition socially as well. / 2-20-2023

[22] Anonymous – Bailey, @Newposter2, hrt femboy personality of the /tttt/sphere / 2-5-2023

[23] sozir – Hon / 8-26-2020

[24] Anonymous – but a hon wearing thigh highs and a skirt is AGP / 1-14-2023

[25] Contrapoints – Incels | ContraPoints

[26] Anonymous – gamestop hon has more testosterone coursing through her veins than all of /fit/
/ 10-17-2022

[27] Anonymous – To want a male skeleton or claim that every man has one is just false
It’s called brainworms, dysphoria is not supposed to make logical sense
/ 9-5-2021

[28] Anonymous – look in mirror
pooner skull and arms
/ 6-5-2021

[29] Melanie Beasley – AGE OF PELVIC BONE FUSION

[30] Anonymous – Ossification happens as late as 20. That’s the latest. If you haven’t trooned out at like, 14 or 16 you are a lateshit by these standards. / 6-26-2022

[31] Anonymous – expanded facial planes has more to do with skull size, especially in relation to the size of one’s facial features. / 12-20-2022

[32] Anonymous – men's skulls are generally larger, wider, and the facial planes are expanded. that is why ffs does not work in 90% of cases. the skull is simply too large and the facial features not compact. / 1-8-2023

[33] Sarah Davis – How to Tell Cat Gender by Face

[34] loljosie – boyremoval

[35] Demi !!EMLkWu/Zmhl – almost nobody uses blantardisms unironically anymore desu
hsts = based tranny
agp = cringe tranny
shrimple as
/ 1-20-2023

[36] Anonymous – so you're a transbian, i.e. an autogynephile. look up blanchard

[37] Zony2525 – What would you do if you came across a boymo- / 5-18-2022

[38] Anonymous – Jannies really couldn't tolerate two (2) gay threads existing on /tttt/ / 1-7-2023

[39] Anonymous – i pass to cis people as a teen boy
That's probably why, they want ayden pussy.
/ 5-4-2022

[40] Anonymous – you need to be boyremoved asap / 11-10-2022

[41] Anonymous – come up with the doomer boy meme as a self-insert
look identical to women without clothes on

[42] Anonymous – where do you fall in the tranner hierarchy?

[43] @FrenchTwinkette – Hi friends I hope you're doing fi- /tttt/ tierlist:?

[44] Anonymous – Avoid all of these and congratulations, you won't be a hon. Study that image.

[45] Anonymous – please don't tell me you've never seen the hon smile.

[46] Anonymous – agp smirk is a kiwidogwhistle

[47] wiktionary – honfidence

[48] Anonymous – I know it's like No True Scotsman but it's true, some "trans women" aren't really even trans.

[49] Anonymous – The tragic existence of hons

[50] Anonymous – No, I mean if you want to transition to be able to sexually harass women in women's spaces, you're a rapehon.

[51] Anonymous – Look I want to believe it's just a pervert guy larping as a tranny but the harsh truth is that these rapehon transbians like Jessica Yaniv exist.

[52] Anonymous – reddit hons mostly transition out of a desire to be 'cute' and 'fuckable' like their anime cartoons.

[53] Anonymous – You see it in hundreds of Reddit photos from ugly agp hons.

[54] Anonymous – cis women don't have massive cranial vaults or male-range midface ratios

[55] Anonymous – Hons

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"/tttt/", an acronym for Trans, Trans, Trans & Trans, is 4chan's imageboard primarily for discussion surrounding trans people. Although the board is officially known as "LGBT" for Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender, the more commonly used term stems from the fact that trans people, also known as tranners, dominate above other topics.[1] Threads related to being bi or gay aren't generally tolerated[38] and can be found on other LGBT-friendly boards such as /fit/. [2]

An image depicting a boymoder, one of the many subcategories of trans people.


The /lgbt/ board was founded in 2013 by the site's owner Moot and quickly became known as /tttt/, likely due to the userbase of the now-gone board /cd/ from 420chan migrating there.[3]


Trans people of /tttt/ are often classified as either "HSTS", or husstussies, short for homosexual transsexual, or AGP, short for autogynephile, literally meaning love for one's self as a woman. Although the terms were coined by the American-Canadian sexologist Ray Blanchard [4] to categorize trans people into two groups when it comes to sexuality, in the context of the board hustussies are often associated with being based and AGP with being cringe. [35] AGP is also said to be synonymous with being a transbian. [36]

The popularity for Blanchard's transsexualism typology within the board is primarily caused by trenders and "hons" dominating the discussion surrounding trans people online. Blanchard's worldview is used as a deterrent for hugboxers not to visit the board.[5]

[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ Auto] File: D8d9Tb4XkAEz3IE.jpg (46 KB, 686x477) O HSTS vs AGP body language Anonymous 07/15/19(Mon)06:54:04 No.12902259 ► >>12902540 >>12903662 O Anonymous 07/15/19(Mon)12:31:00 No.12903662 >12903673 >12904399 >>12904432 >>12902259 (OP) this is honestly the funniest picture i've ever seen on the internet his vaguely threatening gesture and stance, the woman meekly clasping her hands together in fear, the difference in size between his massive skull and hers, his caveman-tier slouch making him look like a hunchback versus her standing up straight, the remnants of what appear to be sideburns on the side of his face versus the woman's clear cheeks, the intense expression on his face versus the bewildered expression on hers, the sheer difference in size between their torsos - his is probably double the size of hers, his masculine profile with his chin jutting out and his longer face versus her wider face. i could go on, but you get the idea all of this contrasted with the constant assertion that these people are identical to women and there is no meaningful difference between them makes for the most exquisite form of irony when their differences are juxtaposed so vividly. the contrast is almost divine - on the left is man's hubris, his desire to capture the beauty of nature and make it his own, his cerebral and conscious understanding of what it means to be what he thinks he is, his intentional "becoming", while on the right is nature, effortless being, no doctors appointments or hormones or surgery, just an "is" that needs nothing added to it in order to be complete. he tries so hard and yet, the harder he tries to "become", the further he takes himself away from the effortless "is" that is the thing he wants to be. it's comedy on a cosmic scale, a joke only god himself could come up with

A screenshot from /tttt/ describing the nuances of HSTS and AGP. Autogynephiles are often associated with masculine features such as a prominent browbone and linebacker shoulders.


Many autogynephiles are said to go through a phase called "meta-attraction". Meta-attraction occurs when a trans girl in her "baby trans" phase is all of a sudden attracted to men, despite having been exclusively attracted to women prior to transition. The phenomena can be explained by the abrupt and subconscious need for validation of one's gender by heterosexual men. Being seen as sexually attractive to heterosexual men solidifies the idea that an autogynephile truly is a woman.[6] In the context of the board, meta-attraction is said to last up to two or three years.[7] It is also said that once the "high" from male attention is no longer seen as validating but rather a nuisance, meta-attraction wears off and an autogynephile sees their attraction shift back towards women.[8]

One infamous instance of meta-attraction is by the social media influencer Natalie Wynn, also known as Contrapoints, who shortly after her transition claimed to be mostly attracted to men, but since 2020 is known to be exclusively dating lesbians and other transbians.[9]

ContraPoints describing herself as being attracted to men in 2018 in a now-deleted Tweet, only to fall back to identifying as a transbian few years later.


The term "boymoder" is a part of /tttt/-lingo to describe a subclass of trans women that continue to live as boys in fear of being outed as trans[10]. Boymoders more often than not are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but are afraid to come out as trans due having to "pass" as their desired gender. Other reasons for boymoding include living in an abusive and/or transphobic household or community.

Boymoders are sometimes depicted as the girl from Menhera Shoujo Kurumi-chan[11] and are said to be wearing dark hoodies to cover up their HRT-induced breasts.[10] However, it is not uncommon for boymoders to not bear literal resemblance to a 16 year old girl from a gag manga. Trans girls that are incapable of ascending to girlmode are sometimes mistakenly refererred to as boymoders, but are in reality "manmoders". Manmoders have irredeemably masculine features are often told to stray from the stolen valor of being called a boymoder.[12]

The act of a boymoder becoming a "girlmoder", or coming out as a woman, is called boyremoval.[34] For this to happen, the hoodie is removed, often through coercion. Then, the boy needs to be extracted via sexual intercourse. To quote Anon[13]:

The boy is kept in the prostate and the only way to remove it is with a dick.

The act of failing to disguise one's self as a male while on HRT due to the unmistakable appearance of a woman is called "malefail"[14] and is said to be an indication that one's "boy" ought to be removed without delay.[40]

Kurumi Nanase (Kurumi-chan) is often associated with boymoders.

What would you do if you came across a boymoder

"What would you do if you came across a boymoder" is a catchphrase followed by a hypothetical scenario of a boymoder "just generally" acting a certain way. Although the question can be answered with genuine intent, the phrase "tire iron" is often used as a response to imply a boymoder is to be met with violence.[37]

A boymoder asking a hypothetical question.


Ayden is an AFAB (assigned-female-at-birth) trans male or enby that despite their best efforts at passing as male or "trans masc", looks like a teenage boy at best.[39] Not to be confused with pooners. Ayden is often ridiculed for having "femalebrained" interests and for spending time in girl-dominated spaces online, like Tumblr.[15] Self-inserting as anime boys is a common trait among Ayden's[41], with Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter and Armin Arlert from Attack on Titan as common examples[16]. Other self-inserts include the Doomer Boy [17]. Because /tttt/ is said to be an inherently malebrained board[18], Ayden's are a minority there.

The FtM equivalent of AGP is "autoandrophilia", or AAP for short according to Blanchard's typology.[19]

Doomer Boy is theorized to be a self-insert by the artist @toxic_nugget.

HRT femboy

HRT femboy is an AMAB (assigned-male-at-birth) male who continues to identify as their birth sex but chooses to go on HRT to achieve a more feminine appearance, like with fat distribution or skin texture. [20] In the context of the board, HRT femboys are said to be no different from trans women, rather, they choose to identify as HRT femboys to be seen as based.[21]

HRT femboy is a person on HRT who looks feminine while maintaining their identity as a male. Bailey or @Newposter2 on Twitter is said to be an example of a HRT femboy.[22]


Hon is a an unpassable trans woman[23] with masculine traits. These traits include a male-like enlarged cranial vault[54], a flared ribcage, a receding hairline, broad shoulders, a masculine jaw and a deep voice, among others.[55] Hons are said to be oblivious to the fact they're unpassing and have a poor sense of fashion, opting to wear autogynephilic clothing like thigh highs and skirts that do not fit their body shape[24]. The term comes from the abbreviation for "honey", which is something hons call each other.[25] Hon is sometimes used ironically or in a self-loathing sense to refer to someone who passes and isn't actually a hon.

Whether or not all hons are truly trans or "trutrans" has been a topic of debate in /tttt/. Some argue the lack of childhood dysphoria, which would have lead them to transition earlier in life, and their "brainbroken" or "malebrained" and fetishistic view on the trans experience does not warrant a claim to transhood. [48] Others argue that not all hons transition late in life and have genuine intent despite their unfortunate appearance and should therefore be treated the same as people who aren't hons.[49]

On June 18 2023, an Anonymous user described a list of features one should avoid to not be seen as a hon:[44]

  • Late transition
  • Hondoses, note the lack of estrogenized skin
  • Shitty hair color
  • AGP smirk
  • not dressing your age, shitty makeup and then crossdressing on top of it
  • le choker
  • le septum piercing

It's m'am is an example of a hon.[26]


Rapehon is a type of hon who transitions in order to gain access to women's spaces.[50] Jessica Yaniv is said to be a rapehon by some users of the board due to her filing a human rights complaint on the basis of not having her genitals waxed in a service meant for cisgender women.[51] Rapehons are considered to be transbians by virtue of wanting to be in the presence of women.

AGP smirk

AGP smirk, or AGP grin, is a type of facial expression AGP's or hons exhibit. The smirk is described as a slight smile that doesn't show teeth, usually with a head tilt and a wrinkled forehead.[45] The smirk is said to bear a resemblance to a "smug anime girl" who is satisfied in their self-perceived sexual desirability after having gone the process of transitioning.[52] The phenomena is seen as particularly prevalent among hons on Reddit. [53] The term likely originated from Kiwi Farms and was adopted by /tttt/ due to the overlap with Blanchardianism.[46]

AGP smirk is accompanied by "honfidence", which is a portmanteau for the words hon and confidence, a type of unwarranted certainty in a trans woman's ability to pass despite their obvious clockable features.[47]

AGP smirk at display by a hon.


Brainworms manifest inside a /tttt/ user's brain whenever they're hyper-fixated on a physical feature in themselves, mainly the skeleton.[27] As bone tissue is mostly immutable past puberty, the skeleton is seen as the deciding factor for "NGMI" or Not Going To Make It.[28] Though, the iliac crest of the pelvis can sometimes grow well into a trans woman's 20s[29] and is cited as a reason to "troon out" as soon as possible, even after completing puberty.[30] On February 7th 2023, an Anonymous user described an extensive list of features that "give away" one's transhood (shown below).

Other notable examples of brainworms include "expanded facial planes", which describe the elongated distance between a person's facial features.[31] People with expanded facial planes are said to not benefit from facial feminization surgery, as shaving off excess bone will throw off the overall balance and proportions of the face.[32]

Unneutered feline is a prime example of NGMI. Cats experience some degree of sexual dimorphism[33], similar to humans.

Trans iceberg

On December 7th 2021, an Anonymous user posted a photo consisted of trans girls in their respective "tier" of passing.[42] The post would later on circulate the internet as "trans iceberg", and was shared on other social media platforms such as Twitter as recently as August of 2023.[43]

The Trans iceberg.

Search Interest

External References

[1] Contrapoints – Incels | ContraPoints

[2] Anonymous – Going to fit is for gays only, sorry / 11-16-2021

[3] Ayden !!KlBNGT/4uNG – started on 420chan regarding lgbt rrlated stuff moved here when created / 2-15-2023

[4] Wikipedia – Blanchard's transsexualism typology

[5] Anonymous – If you haven't read Blanchard, do so. I believe that is the only way we can go back to a pre-pandemic non-hugbox /lgbt/. / 6-4-2022

[6] TAILCALLED – Meta-attraction cannot account for all autogynephiles’ interest in men / 9-10-2019

[7] Anonymous – Meta-attraction disappears after the first two or three years or HRT, and then the autogynephile becomes a transbian. It's scientifically proven. / 2-6-2021

[8] Anonymous – Once I lost interest in my sex fantasy, I left him without any feeling. / 2-6-2023

[9] ContraPoints – Shame | ContraPoints

[10] Suit Pepe – Boymoder / 9-22-2020

[11] pistonwhipped – boymoder mood swings / 5-20-2021

[12] KmPi – Manmoder

[13] Anonymous – The boy is kept in the prostate and the only way to remove it is with a dick / 2-23-2023

[14] Butter? – Male fail

[15] Anonymous – how can u be so fembrained and claim to be ftm? go back to tumblr, ayden. / 12-2-2021

[16] Kurapikarmin – dressing as girly boys opened the window to the rest of my life and unlocked my true form lmao
/ 6-28-2022

[17] Anonymous – Go to toxic_nugget's Twitter and look around, it's an art account with some very femboy-eboy selfies. Go to his DeviantART or Tumblr and it's increasingly obvious this is either a femme gay boy or a trans boy uwu. / 1-24-2021

[18] Anonymous – you can see the change in atmosphere when you visit some actual afab centric boards like crystal cafe. /tttt/ is truly a malebrained hellhole. / 5-31-2022

[19] Wiktionary – autoandrophilia

[20] Transhealthuk – Hormone Therapy for Transfeminine NonBinary Individuals and Femboys 101

[21] Anonymous – they cope as femboys for a couple of years, 'ewww, I'm not a tacky tranny, I'm le based femboy', but then eventually transition socially as well. / 2-20-2023

[22] Anonymous – Bailey, @Newposter2, hrt femboy personality of the /tttt/sphere / 2-5-2023

[23] sozir – Hon / 8-26-2020

[24] Anonymous – but a hon wearing thigh highs and a skirt is AGP / 1-14-2023

[25] Contrapoints – Incels | ContraPoints

[26] Anonymous – gamestop hon has more testosterone coursing through her veins than all of /fit/
/ 10-17-2022

[27] Anonymous – To want a male skeleton or claim that every man has one is just false
It’s called brainworms, dysphoria is not supposed to make logical sense
/ 9-5-2021

[28] Anonymous – look in mirror
pooner skull and arms
/ 6-5-2021

[29] Melanie Beasley – AGE OF PELVIC BONE FUSION

[30] Anonymous – Ossification happens as late as 20. That’s the latest. If you haven’t trooned out at like, 14 or 16 you are a lateshit by these standards. / 6-26-2022

[31] Anonymous – expanded facial planes has more to do with skull size, especially in relation to the size of one’s facial features. / 12-20-2022

[32] Anonymous – men's skulls are generally larger, wider, and the facial planes are expanded. that is why ffs does not work in 90% of cases. the skull is simply too large and the facial features not compact. / 1-8-2023

[33] Sarah Davis – How to Tell Cat Gender by Face

[34] loljosie – boyremoval

[35] Demi !!EMLkWu/Zmhl – almost nobody uses blantardisms unironically anymore desu
hsts = based tranny
agp = cringe tranny
shrimple as
/ 1-20-2023

[36] Anonymous – so you're a transbian, i.e. an autogynephile. look up blanchard

[37] Zony2525 – What would you do if you came across a boymo- / 5-18-2022

[38] Anonymous – Jannies really couldn't tolerate two (2) gay threads existing on /tttt/ / 1-7-2023

[39] Anonymous – i pass to cis people as a teen boy
That's probably why, they want ayden pussy.
/ 5-4-2022

[40] Anonymous – you need to be boyremoved asap / 11-10-2022

[41] Anonymous – come up with the doomer boy meme as a self-insert
look identical to women without clothes on

[42] Anonymous – where do you fall in the tranner hierarchy?

[43] @FrenchTwinkette – Hi friends I hope you're doing fi- /tttt/ tierlist:?

[44] Anonymous – Avoid all of these and congratulations, you won't be a hon. Study that image.

[45] Anonymous – please don't tell me you've never seen the hon smile.

[46] Anonymous – agp smirk is a kiwidogwhistle

[47] wiktionary – honfidence

[48] Anonymous – I know it's like No True Scotsman but it's true, some "trans women" aren't really even trans.

[49] Anonymous – The tragic existence of hons

[50] Anonymous – No, I mean if you want to transition to be able to sexually harass women in women's spaces, you're a rapehon.

[51] Anonymous – Look I want to believe it's just a pervert guy larping as a tranny but the harsh truth is that these rapehon transbians like Jessica Yaniv exist.

[52] Anonymous – reddit hons mostly transition out of a desire to be 'cute' and 'fuckable' like their anime cartoons.

[53] Anonymous – You see it in hundreds of Reddit photos from ugly agp hons.

[54] Anonymous – cis women don't have massive cranial vaults or male-range midface ratios

[55] Anonymous – Hons

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